News & Articles By JD Heyes
By JD Heyes
Economic war on indie media continues as speech Nazis at Google now targeting Breitbart News’ ad revenue, just as they did with Natural News
I’m making a public plea right now to millionaire and billionaire conservative-libertarian investors who are looking for their next new media venture: Create a true free-speech, liberty-oriented social media platform to rival Facebook and Google, or risk losing the only voices opposed to Marxist tyranny that is rising in America. Yes, things are getting that […]
By JD Heyes
Disgusting Left-wing American media fawn over North Korean dictator’s sister because they know NOTHING about living under Communism
As I was scrolling through my various news feeds over the weekend I came across a couple of headlines I was sure belonged to state-run North Korean propaganda outlets. “North Korea is winning the Olympics –and it’s not because of sports,” said one of the headlines. “Kim Jong-un’s Sister Turns On the Charm, Taking Pence’s […]
By JD Heyes
Deep State and Mueller trying to ensnare POTUS Trump with bogus obstruction charges before explosive FISA memo gets released
In case you missed it, last week The New York Times once again tried to besmirch and impugn the character of President Donald J. Trump, and what made it particularly egregious is that the paper waited until our president was overseas representing our country at an international gathering. As Trump prepared to make his “America […]
By JD Heyes
Death threats against CNN are nothing compared to the outrageous, repeated death threats against vaccine safety researchers
During a recent episode of his little-watched program, CNN host Don Lemon excoriated President Donald J. Trump for calling his network “fake news.” After playing a montage of instances showing Trump making that charge in order to reinforce his point, Lemon then claimed that several hosts and employees at CNN had been threatened with violence […]
By JD Heyes
Former Trump aide BLASTS new “tell-all” book on Trump White House: “National Inquirer on Steroids!”
The Age of President Donald J. Trump has spawned an entirely new form of journalism — fake news — but it is also, apparently, inspiring a new media industry as well. Fake non-fiction. That’s a whole new genre that has been concocted by an “author” named Michael Wolff, whose new book, “Fire and Fury: Inside […]
By JD Heyes
“Deep State” DoJ, FBI, won’t answer Congress’ questions but will LEAK to the traitorous “mainstream” media
Republicans in Congress have had it with senior staffers and officials at the Department of Justice and the FBI, and are preparing to lower the boom on them as investigations are set to refocus on how they sought to undermine President Donald J. Trump’s 2016 campaign. But in the meantime, GOP members of Congress are […]
By JD Heyes
NY Times FAIL: Paper heaps praise on “MERCY” of NYC bomber, while hailing “Army of Darkness” group as “peaceful” Muslim org
It’s becoming more and more clear that The New York Times’ editors and reporters, like the president they adored — Barack Obama — have more love and affection for America’s avowed enemies than for America or Americans themselves. In a recent “news” article, reporter Jeffrey Gettleman gushed over a “mysterious act of mercy” by the […]
By JD Heyes
SIX biggest “mainstream” media FAILS and cringe-worthy moments of 2017
This year will, without a doubt, go down as the year the American mainstream media lost its remaining credibility — that is, if you’re being fair in your assessment. And while we can actually trace the beginning of the end for the establishment media to before President Donald J. Trump defeated the most thoroughly corrupt presidential candidate representing […]
By JD Heyes
The greatest things Trump has accomplished in just his FIRST year (that you never heard of, thanks to the FAKE news media)
President Donald J. Trump managed to do more for securing the Middle East for democracy in less than a year than all the U.S. presidents in modern history. That assessment comes from evangelical leader Dr. Michael Evans, who established the Jerusalem Prayer team. “Donald Trump did more to build the Sunni alliance in one week […]
By JD Heyes
“Mainstream” media created “FAKE NEWS” as a way to delegitimize and dispose of Trump
One phrase we in the media business have become very familiar with since Donald J. Trump dared to defeat the political establishment’s chosen candidate in November 2016, Hillary Clinton: Fake News. We’ve become familiar with it in the year that Trump has been president not because the “establishment” media never intentionally misreported the news, but […]
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