News & Articles By JD Heyes
By JD Heyes
CENSORED: YouTube terminates indy news site Activist Post for fake reason and without warning
The media establishment’s war on independent publishers is continuing unabated as yet another indy news site, Activist Post, is reporting that YouTube pulled its channel without warning and without a good reason. According to the site: A couple of weeks ago we were surprised to find our YouTube channel completely deleted with the message, “This […]
By JD Heyes
Mainstream media now COMPLICIT in covering up the greatest political corruption crime of the century
If Richard Nixon had been a liberal Democrat, Americans may never have learned about the Pentagon Papers or the Watergate break-in, the latter of which led to the 37th president’s resignation from office. That’s because had he been a liberal Democrat, the disgustingly dishonest “mainstream” media would have largely ignored both stories — or as […]
By JD Heyes
Trump makes $25,000 donation to family of fallen soldier; WaPo LIES and said it was never sent
They say no good deed goes unpunished, but in the era of President Donald J. Trump, that’s simply no longer true. As yet another manufactured brouhaha engulfs the president over what one Gold Star family and a Florida Democrat claim he said when he called to console them over their loss, another more heart-warming story […]
By JD Heyes
Fusion GPS founders plead the Fifth at House Intelligence hearing regarding questions over BOGUS “Trump dossier”
I’ll just come out and say it: On most occasions, whenever a suspect pleads his or her Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination when being questioned under oath, that generally means they’ve got something to hide. It doesn’t necessarily mean guilt, just that they’re hiding something that would make them look bad if they responded to […]
By JD Heyes
Left-wing media now blaming Trump for Puerto Rico hurricane damage… is EVERYTHING his fault?
Don’t look now, but the Alt-Left now has something new to blame on President Donald J. Trump: The damage inflicted on Puerto Rico by Hurricane Maria. Some guys just can’t catch a break. As reported by PJ Media, the so-called “talking points” that everyone knows exists within the legacy, establishment media were thus: The president’s […]
By JD Heyes
Washington Post publishes instruction manual telling other journalists to cover up the left-wing politics of Antifa, a domestic terrorism resistance group
The disgusting anti-American “mainstream” media is filled with Leftists who have never met a Marxist ‘revolutionary’ movement they didn’t like. Then again, none of them have ever had to live under the authoritarian hell of murderous Marxist leaders like the Castro brothers in Cuba, “Uncle” Joe Stalin, Nicolas Maduro in Venezuela or any Communist Party […]
By JD Heyes
Washington Post, which hides behind First Amendment to publish FAKE NEWS, now calls for end of free speech for conservatives
The Left has engaged in an all-out assault against Americans’ constitutional form of government for decades, seeking to replace it with a more authoritarian form of European-style socialism. The assault continues today and has taken on a bizarre, hypocritical form. At a time when the Left-wing “mainstream” media is seeing its dominance and influence wane […]
By JD Heyes
CNN now labeling 900 conservative organizations “hate groups” thanks to radical left-wing propaganda of the Southern Poverty Law Center
There is rampant dishonesty throughout the legacy media, but perhaps there is no news outlet as dishonest as CNN — and blatantly so. In the wake of the violence at Charlottesville, Va., in which neo-Nazis and other white supremacist groups clashed with Alt-Left members of Antifa, both seeking to shut down the others’ political speech […]
By JD Heyes
Mainstream media now “normalizing” left-wing violence, absurdly comparing it to World War II soldiers storming the beaches of Normandy
When you, as a Left-wing political movement, attempt to “mainstream” your violence against those with whom you disagree by comparing your supporters to the soldiers, sailors and Marines who stormed the beaches of Normandy, France, on D-Day during World War II, you’ve got an instant credibility problem. Granted, you’re going to have your supporters actually […]
By JD Heyes
Trump sets record straight, says “Alt-Left” ALSO responsible for violence at Charlottesville — media FREAKS
It wasn’t something the ever-apoplectic Left-wing establishment media wanted to hear because it defies their narrative that only right-wing, white conservatives who support the president are racist bigots. But Donald J. Trump set the record — the real record — straight last Tuesday during another combative news conference when he said that both the right […]
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