News & Articles By JD Heyes
By JD Heyes
2020 Dem candidate and media mogul Michael Bloomberg won’t be investigated by his own news organization but they will dig deep for dirt on Trump, of course
Most Americans are aware that the so-called “mainstream media” is fraudulent, dishonest, and a vehicle for Left-wing propaganda, but former NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg, who announced this week he’s seeking the 2020 Democratic presidential nomination, just took journalistic malpractice to a whole new level. In a tweet on Sunday, the editor-in-chief of Bloomberg’s namesake news […]
By JD Heyes
White House official files multi-million dollar lawsuit against “enemy of the people” POLITICO for colluding with Adam Schiff to defame him
The Trump administration has been used and abused by the “mainstream” media and its Democrat masters in the Deep State for three years, and finally, one official has had enough. Kash Patel, a senior counterterrorism official and member of the National Security Council, has filed a defamation lawsuit against Left-wing “news” outlet POLITICO, alleging the […]
By JD Heyes
What a joke: Adam Schiff claims he doesn’t know the name of the “Ukraine whistleblower” his office COACHED to lie
Someday perhaps we will know and understand why House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) entrusted perhaps the dumbest partisan in Congress to handle the impeachment inquiry against President Donald Trump. But for now, we’re left scratching our heads trying to figure out how House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) was given the ‘honor.’ Because without […]
By JD Heyes
Double standards: Can you imagine the media outcry if Mexican drug gangs had targeted a car full of transgenders instead of Mormons?
Our founding fathers made sure to protect freedom of the press in the very first amendment to the U.S. Constitution, because they saw an independent media as a solid check on government power. They could never have predicted, however, that a couple of centuries later the major media outlets in the country would self-censor, align […]
By JD Heyes
Same indy media censored by social media giants uncovered truth about pedophile Jeffrey Epstein while the fake “mainstream” media covered it up
For years, serial pedophile Jeffrey Epstein, who recently died behind bars awaiting trial under extremely suspicious circumstances, was known in elite circles as a ‘suspected’ provider of underage ‘female entertainment’ for such notables as former President Bill Clinton. And for about as long, independent media sources like this one were reporting on the allegations. Natural […]
By JD Heyes
ABC News insider on hot mic: Network buried revealing story on pervs Jeffrey Epstein, Bill Clinton, and Prince Andrew
If you are one of those Americans who never believed the stories about how sexually perverted former President Bill Clinton really is, and how biased the Left-wing media has become, this one should change your mind. And if not, well, then you’re just refusing to believe the truth. New video leaked to Project Veritas, the […]
By JD Heyes
After being exposed as a Left-wing anti-Trump propaganda machine, CNN to be sued by President Trump
Despite the fact that we have a constitutional right to free speech and expression, that doesn’t mean there aren’t legal limitations on what we can and cannot say. For example, our right to free speech stops when it comes to harming or potentially harming others. It’s against the law nearly everywhere to yell “Fire” in […]
By JD Heyes
No, Homeland Security did NOT just single out “white supremacists” in its new domestic terrorism strategy: “Antifa” is mentioned as well
There is so much garbage news on the Internet today it literally is nearly impossible to figure out what is and is not true. Trying to cut through the noise to find the truth has gotten even more difficult in the age of President Trump because the so-called “respectable mainstream media” has published so much […]
By JD Heyes
CNN hiring Andrew McCabe proves the fake news network is really just an extension of the treasonous deep state
It’s not as though CNN had any real credibility left as a legitimate news source, having long ago abandoned any semblance of objectivity in the Age of POTUS Trump. But based on a hiring decision announced this week, it’s become obvious that the network isn’t even trying to regain it. Reports noted Friday that CNN […]
By JD Heyes
More journo-terrorism: The “mainstream” media continues dog whistling to deranged Leftists, pushing them to attack and “destroy” Trump supporters
Without question, the 2020 presidential election cycle has begun and with it, POTUS Donald Trump seeks to make a historic bid for a second term. It’s historic because also, without question, Trump is the consummate outsider, as evidenced by the horrific, relentless attacks against him as well as the Obama-led Deep State effort to depose […]
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