News & Articles By JD Heyes
By JD Heyes
Leftist media refusing to report no “collusion” found between Russia and Team Trump proves they really are the “ENEMIES of the people”
For two years the so-called “establishment press” has reported, breathlessly most of the time, every single aspect of the alleged “collusion” between Mother Russia and the 2016 Trump campaign. ‘POTUS Donald Trump is guilty alright,’ they told us time and time again. ‘You just wait and see! The evidence is plain!’ Only, two years after […]
By JD Heyes
The “mainstream” media tried to fact-check POTUS Trump’s State of the Union Address but failed miserably
When the so-called “mainstream media” (MSM) created the concept of ‘fact-checking’ it at least seemed admirable on the surface and, for that matter, a job that was naturally suited to a free press charged with comforting the afflicted and holding those in power to account. But after some years it’s become obvious that the MSM […]
By JD Heyes
Lawyer for Covington teen releases jaw-dropping video laying out lies spread by mainstream media and Native American activist
The American Left and the ‘mainstream’ media (MSM) that serves as its propaganda wing aren’t used to having their fabricated cultural, political, and social narratives disputed and opposed, but after what happened to a group of teen boys from a Catholic high school in Kentucky last month, one lawyer is seriously challenging them. Most Americans […]
By JD Heyes
Patriot group organizing MAGA hat rally at CNN HQ in Atlanta to protest the dishonest fake news media
Among those on the pro-Trump Right, there is nothing that gets them more excited than CNN. The “Clinton News Network” has built a well-deserved reputation of reporting false information, often breathlessly, in the age of POTUS Donald Trump, pushing the phony “Russian collusion” narrative so far that three network journalists working in an “investigative unit” […]
By JD Heyes
REAL collusion: CNN just happened to be around when Mueller sent Feds to arrest Roger Stone in pre-dawn raid with guns drawn
On Friday, federal agents acting on an arrest warrant issued by a grand jury on behalf of special counsel Robert Mueller raided the home of political operative and onetime 2016 Trump campaign associate Roger Stone. The raid involving heavily armed federal agents took place around 6 a.m. EDT at Stones’ Fort Lauderdale, Fla., home. That’s […]
By JD Heyes
Same left-wing news media that claimed Alex Jones spread fake news about Sandy Hook school shooting is now itself spreading fake news to CAUSE a school shooting
Following the horrific December 2012 school shooting of young children and adults at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn., talk radio host Alex Jones initially theorized that, based on some evidence he unearthed, the incident may have been staged. During a broadcast almost two years later, Jones said, “We’ve clearly got people where it’s […]
By JD Heyes
Why the dishonest left-wing media owes a national apology to the Catholic students who were falsely smeared
Another day, another ‘gaffe’ by the disgusting dishonest “mainstream media” (MSM) which, in the age of POTUS Donald Trump, has completely abandoned any and all semblance of journalistic ethics. But unlike most previous MSM errors, this one has implications far beyond the fake narrative that was being reported. Over the weekend several groups gathered in […]
By JD Heyes
“Bombshell” BuzzFeed story asserting Trump-Russia collusion turns out to be yet more fake news from the desperate Left
Well, that didn’t take long. Late last week Buzzfeed News, whose credibility had already taken a huge hit when the site decided to publish the bogus “Steele Dossier,” destroyed what remained of that credibility by publishing another “bombshell” that has now turned out to be a yuuuuge nothing burger. The story by “reporters” Anthony Cormier […]
By JD Heyes
Why President Trump should demand an apology from CNN’s Acosta, who blatantly lied about the migrant caravan
CNN White House correspondent Jim Acosta has made himself POTUS Donald Trump’s favorite journalist to despise because he has become the poster boy for what the mainstream media has morphed into: A political operation on behalf of the Democrat Party, which is moving so far to the Left, Venezuela’s socialist leader Nicolas Maduro looks conservative […]
By JD Heyes
Media unabashedly pushing grossly fake news to cover for CNN reporter Jim Acosta after he lost his press credentials for “putting hands” on White House intern
The least-watched cable news channel is also the oldest, but CNN’s steady decline in popularity from the heady days of the first Gulf War in 1991, when its correspondents covered U.S. and allied bombing attacks under siege in Baghdad, is due to conscious decisions the network has made through the years. One of the most […]
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