News & Articles By JD Heyes
By JD Heyes
Elements of the Kashoggi murder story appears to be a massive, coordinated media HOAX
You can always tell these days what the disgustingly dishonest “establishment” media thinks will be ‘the thing’ that brings down POTUS Donald Trump because they cover the issue wall-to-wall and pretend as though it’s the most important thing ever, in the history of our country. This week the ‘issue’ was the likely murder of Jamal […]
By JD Heyes
NBC News totally exposed as a lying FAKE NEWS propaganda network desperately trying to destroy Brett Kavanaugh
In the age of POTUS Donald Trump, so-called “establishment” media outlets have proven time and again they are more than willing to forego journalistic integrity and ethical standards for any opportunity to bash the president or destroy anyone associated with him. The latest media organization to sacrifice integrity and accuracy in an effort to destroy […]
By JD Heyes
BOMBSHELL: Watergate legend Carl Bernstein caught in massive fake news LIE and cover-up
For most Americans alive today, journalist Carl Bernstein is unknown to them. But once upon a time, he was a legend, a giant in his industry – at least to the Democratic Left. It was 1972 and Bernstein was a young reporter working for a very regional newspaper at the time, The Washington Post. He […]
By JD Heyes
ABC confirms it ran a false flag operation with ACTORS to try to accuse Trump supporters of being violent, intolerant
As it becomes more apparent that Democrats are increasingly lurching to the extreme Left, supporting far-out proposals like banning the Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency, open borders and – importantly – government limitations on speech and expression, their propaganda division, the “mainstream media,” is attempting to craft a false narrative that Republicans are the far bigger […]
By JD Heyes
Father of man suspected of training children in New Mexico to shoot up schools is a radical Islamist who headlined 2012 DNC convention event
In case you were wondering just how deep former President Barack Obama’s fondness for Islam goes, this should give you a really good idea. In 2012, the Democratic National Committee launched its convention with a series of “kick-off events” that included the first-ever “Jumah at the DNC,” the term Juman being Arabic for “gathering.” That […]
By JD Heyes
Boston Globe calls for coordinated media collusion to destroy Trump… haven’t they already been doing that for three years?
If you needed more evidence that the “mainstream” media is unified in its blind opposition to POTUS Donald Trump despite the fact that he’s turned around the U.S. economy, put record numbers of Americans back to work, and re-established U.S. global leadership, this will do it. The Boston Globe, which is just another Left-wing establishment […]
By JD Heyes
Left-wing journalists are now proudly part of the deep state… “journalism” utterly abandoned in favor of WAR ON TRUMP
The Left-wing media’s hatred of POTUS Donald Trump is so pervasive and so powerful that they will justify any behavior that was previously considered taboo if they believe it will somehow hurt him. Like, outing a source to federal authorities – something that, for a journalist, is the most taboo thing you could ever do. And yet, […]
By JD Heyes
Trump supporters kick white nationalists out of rally; left-wing media buries the story
There is so much dishonesty regarding President Donald Trump and his supporters in today’s Left-wing establishment media and pop culture that it’s nearly impossible to refute it all. Every day brings a new fake charge of racism, bigotry, hate-mongering, and homophobia. And while there may be some of those elements among Trump supporters – just […]
By JD Heyes
As Democrats call for abolishing immigration enforcement, NYT “fact check” outright LIES and claims Dems don’t want open borders
In recent days Democrats have latched onto a new “issue” they think is a ‘winner’ for the 2018 midterms and beyond: Abolishing Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). The instigator of this lunacy is Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand of New York, who said last week that it’s time to “reimagine” the agency as something other than one dedicated […]
By JD Heyes
Fact-checker for New Yorker resigns after falsely claiming ICE agent had Nazi tattoo
The unhinged Left-wing media has a new boogeyman (other than Donald Trump) they’re selling to their equally unhinged supporters: The Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agency. The overwhelming majority of ICE agents are hard-working men and women doing their best to protect our country, our borders, and our citizens from criminal aliens. They work under […]
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